Military medical personnel program, Ch. Med 26, Ch. SPS 11
Patient records, Ch. Pod 6
Podiatric x-ray assistants, Pod 7
Practice by physician assistants, Ch. Pod 9
Prescribing and dispensing drugs, Ch. Pod 5
Unprofessional conduct, Ch. Pod 2
police POLICE
pollution POLLUTION
population determination POPULATION DETERMINATION
potatoes POTATOES
Certified seed:
Badger state brand, ATCP 156.12
Certificates required, ATCP 156.02, 156.03
Defects, ATCP 156.11
Definitions, ATCP 156.01
Inspection, ATCP 156.04
Misrepresentation, ATCP 156.16
Wisconsin yellow tag, ATCP 156.13
Marketing order, Ch. ATCP 149
Potato, late blight, ATCP 21.15
Rot nematode, ATCP 21.14
Transportation seed potato, overweight permits, Ch. Trans 258
poultry POULTRY
Diseases, Subch. VI of ch. ATCP 10
Egg grades, labeling and quality standards, Ch. ATCP 88
Meat inspection, Ch. ATCP 55
power plant siting POWER PLANT SITING
Generally, Ch. PSC 111, 112
pressure vessel PRESSURE VESSEL
prisons PRISONS
Administrative confinement, Ch. DOC 308
Adult institutions:
Classification of inmates, Ch. DOC 302
Discipline, Ch. DOC 303
Leave for qualified inmates, Ch. DOC 326
Mental health treatment for inmates, Ch. DOC 314
Resources for inmates, Ch. DOC 309
Security, Ch. DOC 306
Sentence and release provisions, Ch. DOC 302
Wage and study release, inmate conduct, DOC 324.12
Wage and study release, inmate funds, DOC 324.09
Wage and study release, termination, DOC 324.13
Work and study release, Ch. DOC 324
Community residential confinement, Ch. DOC 327
Community supervision, Ch. DOC 328
Complaint procedures, Ch. DOC 310
Inmate secure work program, Ch. DOC 304
Intensive sanctions program, Ch. DOC 333
Jails, Ch. DOC 350
Municipal lockup facilities, Ch. DOC 349
Parole and extended supervision, procedure and policy, Ch. PAC 1
Probation, parole, or extended supervision revocation procedure, Ch. DOC 331
Temporary release, under supervision, Ch. DOC 325
Wisconsin corrections industries, Ch. DOC 313
Youth in custody:
Administrative confinement in type 1 secured facilities, Ch. DOC 374
Aftercare conduct and revocation, Ch. DOC 393
Assessment and case management, Ch. DOC 371
Child caring institutions, type 2, Ch. DOC 394
Complaint procedure in type 1 secured facilities, Ch. DOC 380
Conduct in type 1 secured facilities, Ch. DOC 373
Drug testing of youth on county supervision, type 2 status or aftercare, Ch. DOC 392
Furloughs, offgrounds leave and trial visits, Ch. DOC 381
Living conditions in type 1 secured facilities, Ch. DOC 379
Observation status in type 1 secured facilities, Ch. DOC 375
Psychotropic medication, use of, Ch. DOC 383
Secure detention, Ch. DOC 346
Secured facilities, type 2, Ch. DOC 396
Secured residential care centers for children and youth, Ch. DOC 347
Security in type 1 secured facilities, Ch. DOC 376
private detectives PRIVATE DETECTIVES
Generally, Chs. SPS 30 to 35
procedure, agency rules of PROCEDURE, AGENCY RULES OF
Agriculture, trade and consumer protection, department, Ch. ATCP 1
Banking review board, DFI-Bkg 10.01 to 10.11
Banks, commissioner of, DFI-Bkg 11.01 to 11.15
Credentialing boards, Ch. SPS 2
Credit union review board, Ch. DFI-CU 56
Division of Hearings and Appeals, HA 1 to 4
Employment peace act, Chs. ERC 1 to 9
Employment relations board, Ch. ERC 7
Equal opportunities, investigation, hearings, determinations, Ch. DWD 218, LIRC 1
Insurance, Ch. Ins 5
Labor and industry review commission, Ch. LIRC 1
Natural resources, Ch. NR 2